Review: CanOpener

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Any Macintosh System 7 or higher and minimum of 3.5 MB hard disk space.
Published by Abbott Systems Inc. 62 Mountain Rd. Pleasantville, NY 10570-9802
Fax: 914-747-9115
List Price: $65
CanOpener is a stand alone utility that lets you peek inside document files, program files, system files, damaged files, DOS files and even files that are on a network or files transferred to your Mac. Now you can browse all types of files, including foreign files.
CanOpener lets you read a file — copy anything you find, such as:TEXT plus over 30 picture formats including DOS and Windows files: BMP, CGM, CUT, EPS, GIF, ICON, IFF, IMG, JPEG, Lotus BIT/RLE, Lotus, PIC, MacDraw, MacPaint, PC Paint, PCX, Photoshop, PhotoCD, PICT, Pixel Paint, QuickTime Movies, RAW, RIFF, RIX, Silicon Graphics RGB, Sun, Targa, TIFF, XBM, XWD.
![[co3 graphic]](images/co3.gif)
With System 7 you can open a file by dragging the desired file to the CanOpener program icon on your Macintosh desktop or open CanOpener 3.5 using your own method of accessing frequently used application(s).
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To search for text in the currently open file, choose Find from the Item menu. To search all files in the File List for specific text, choose Search Files from the File menu. CanOpener searches all files in the File List and changes the File List display to show only the found files.
CanOpener has a special "Library" feature where text, pictures and sounds can be stored in library files for future use. You can have as many library files as you desire. When you start CanOpener for the first time it will create a default library file named "CanOpener Library" in your CanOpener folder.
What's New in CanOpener's Version 3.5
- New picture support: All the picture filters upgraded and JPEG and PhotoCD added. Ability to convert pictures between different formats.
- HTML support: Now you can open HTML files and strip all codes to get clean text, or extract all HREFs.
- EMail and Web support: Extract e-mail and Web addresses, place them in your address book; also, launches your browser to a selected web site.
- More drag and drop: Full drag and drop support, so now you can drag selected text from all areas of the CanOpener window.
- Web button: Just click the CanOpener icon in the upper right of the CanOpener window to visit Abbott Systems Inc., at their web site using your Internet connection and browser, Netscape or Microsoft Explorer.
Conclusion: CanOpener is easy to use, whether you're an occasional or heavy duty computerist, you will come to depend on this indispensable utility. Owning CanOpener will cut down your frustration and stress factor to just about nil. I've used CanOpener for several years and it keeps on getting better dealing with ever emerging formats.
This review is ©1996 Eugene F. Marotta. | ![]() |
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