Desktop Pictures
Croatia, Mexico, and Rhonda
Croatia, Mexico, and Rhonda
This month’s desktop pictures were taken Anthony Peelen on his various travels around the world.
These pictures were taken during a trip to Croatia in 2001, in the mediaeval town of Groznjan. He used a HP315 digital camera and didn’t feel the need to adjust the pictures with a photo editing program like Photoshop. Anthony is happy with his digital camera because he dislikes the work in the darkroom. The pictures went straight from the camera into his iMac.
CroatianVillage1.jpg: Groznjan is one of the oldest and smallest cities of Croatia, high on a hill top. There is only one road to it. It is past noon, and everybody is inside for lunch and a little nap.
CroatianVillage2.jpg: In Groznjan the cats stay outside while everybody is inside escaping the afternoon heat.
CroatianVillage3.jpg: This old cat found a place in the shade to sleep and to watch the tourists visiting Groznjan.
These pictures were take during an eight-day, 4,000-mile car trip from Florida to Puerto Vallarta in the summer of 2002. The lodging town picture was taken from inside the car just after passing a military road block. The fishermen’s village pictures were taken away from the crowd beach. Again no adjustments were made to the pictures. The camera was an HP315.
MexicoBanderasBay1.jpg: Boca de Tomatlan is a quiet fishing village 10 miles south of Puerto Vallarta. Boca de Tomatlan means Mouth of Tomatlan. Tomatlan is the river that you see. There are only two restaurants and it is a departing point for passengers and freight to Yelapa, a tiny village that is only reachable by boat. You see a few houses that are rented out. It is really a nice quiet beach away from the crowd.
MexicoBanderasBay2.jpg: Here you see the restaurants and some of the boats in Boca de Tomatlan.
MexicanVillage1.jpg: The road from Durango to the coast is a winding road through high mountains covered with woods. Half way there was this logging village, unorganized and chaotic like a last frontier town.
This picture was taken during a short trip to Andalusia in January 2002, from the bridge over the gorge leading into town. It was the only sunny day during that trip. The camera was an HP315 and no adjustment to picture has been made.
Rhonda.jpg: A very old little city in Spain Andalusia. It is considered to be the first city to have a bull fighting ring. You can see that it is situated high on the cliffs.
Previous Months’ Desktop Pictures
Pictures from previous months are listed in the desktop pictures archives.
Downloading all the Pictures at Once
iCab and Interarchy (formerly Anarchie) can download an entire set of desktop pictures at once. In iCab, use the Download command to download “Get all files in same path.” In Interarchy, use HTTP Mirror feature.
Contributing Your Own Desktop Pictures
If you have a picture, whether a small series or just one fabulous or funny shot, feel free to send it to and we’ll consider publishing it in next month’s issue. Have a regular print but no scanner? Don’t worry. E-mail us, and we tell you where to send it so we can scan it for you. Note that we cannot return the original print, so send us a copy.
Placing Desktop Pictures
Mac OS X 10.1.x
Choose “System Preferences…” from the Apple menu and click the Desktop button. With the pop-up menu, select the desktop pictures folder you want to use.
You can also use the pictures with Mac OS X’s built-in screen saver. Choose “System Preferences…” from the Apple menu. Click the screen saver button. Then click on Custom Slide Show in the list of screen savers. If you put the ATPM pictures in your Pictures folder, you’re all set. Otherwise, click Configure to tell the screen saver which pictures to use.
Mac OS X 10.0.x
Switch to the Finder. Choose “Preferences…” from the “Finder” menu. Click on the “Select Picture…” button on the right. In the Open Panel, select the desktop picture you want to use. The panel defaults to your “~/Library/Desktop Pictures” folder. Close the “Finder Preferences” window when you are done.
Mac OS 8.5-9.x
Go to the Appearance control panel. Click on the “Desktop” tab at the top of the window. Press the “Place Picture…” button in the bottom right corner, then select the desired image. By default, it will show you the images in the “Desktop Pictures” subfolder of your “Appearance” folder in the System Folder, however you can select images from anywhere on your hard disk.
After you select the desired image file and press “Choose,” a preview will appear in the Appearance window. The “Position Automatically” selection is usually fine. You can play with the settings to see if you like the others better. You will see the result in the little preview screen.
Once you are satisfied with the selection, click on “Set Desktop” in the lower right corner of the window. That’s it! Should you ever want to get rid of it, just go to the desktop settings again and press “Remove Picture.”
Mac OS 8.0 and 8.1
Go to the “Desktop Patterns” control panel. Click on “Desktop Pictures” in the list on the left of the window, and follow steps similar to the ones above.
Random Desktop Pictures
If you drag a folder of pictures onto the miniature desktop in the Appearance or Desktop Pictures control panel, your Mac will choose one from the folder at random when it starts up.

Also in This Series
- Parting Shots · May 2012
- Tsavo National Park, Kenya · April 2012
- Rwanda · March 2012
- From ATPM Readers · February 2012
- Easter Island · January 2012
- Disney World · December 2011
- The Netherlands · November 2011
- Easter Island · October 2011
- New York City · September 2011
- Complete Archive
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