Welcome to the April 2002 issue of About This Particular Macintosh! We’ve dubbed this issue the official April-Don’t-Be-Fooled edition of your favorite monthly Macintosh Internet magazine.
That’s right, with all the funky stories abounding on the Internet, we want to be sure our readers have the benefit of the best information around!
They Like Them So Much We Raised The Price
Actually, the reason Apple announced a $100 price hike on the iMac at Macworld Tokyo isn’t because the new iMac is so popular (which it is) or because Apple is having trouble meeting demand (which they are); the reason why Apple increased the price is due to rising component cost.
That’s right. Believe or not, our favorite high-tech company is subject to the same laws of supply and demand that impact most other businesses. Apple, for its part, used the same high-stakes stage it uses for major products announcements to tell the world that is was increasing prices. Other major PC manufacturers are raising prices much more quietly. Leave it to Apple to be the industry leader not only in new, push-the-envelope PCs, but also in pricing their products to actually make a profit.
He Like Them So Much It’s In The State Budget
Actually, we don’t know if Maine Governor Angus King is a Mac fan. But the independent governor of Maine (that’s right, he’s neither a Republican nor Democrat), worked hard to win approval of a $25 million dollar initiative to put iBooks in the hands of middle schoolers throughout the picture-postcard state.
We Like You So Much, We Want To Watch You From Here
Actually, we don’t know if your company is using Apple Remote Desktop because they really like you. What we do know is that workplace Internet shoppers beware! The new network enhancement product from Apple allows administrators to roll out software from anywhere on the network and keep an eye on what’s on your computer screen. Designed as much for the classroom as it is for businesses, Apple Remote Desktop will enable teachers to watch student computer screens and even communicate one-on-one with a student from a remote location. Don’t believe us? Check the Apple site for details.
We Shipped So Many iMacs Last Quarter, We Actually Beat Our Own Estimates
Actually, we don’t know if Apple met its original shipment estimates for the iMac. Production delays and component shortages made getting the new iMac into buyer’s hands a bit of a challenge for Apple and tried the patience of even the most die-hard Apple fans. What we do know is at the end of the quarter Apple was shipping iMacs at the rate of 5,000 units per day. We will know in mid-April how the quarter ending March 31, 2002 worked out.
We Like You So Much, We’d Like You To Keep Reading
Actually, this is true. Please read our latest issue. It’s loaded with all kinds of useful tips and information for Mac users at all levels of experience and expertise. This month’s issue includes:
Beyond the Barline: Record Execs Ate My Hard Drive!
For the true and frightening story, turn to this month’s Beyond the Barline. And be afraid…be very afraid….
The Candy Apple: A Down-Home Awards Show
Ellyn Ritterskamp takes the handoff from retiring columnist Tom Iovino. In this column, she introduces herself with some favorites from her Mac.
The Legacy Corner
Chris Lawson joins us to continue the popular Legacy Corner column. This month his column includes 68K Mac trivia, Color Classic resources, and tips for keeping your old Mac working like new.
Segments: We Hate When That Happens
Paul Fatula presents the conclusion of his ordeal getting AT&T cable set up. Lee Bennett suggests some broadband resources, and Gregory Tetrault offers a counterpoint—he had a great experience with Cox Cable Internet. ATPM readers share their experiences.
About This Particular Web Site
In this month’s ATPW, Paul Fatula takes a look at free music, free fonts, and free literature. There’s also artwork created by well-organized Rubik’s Cubes and, for the more chaotically inclined, a random number generator.
Profiles in Networking: iBook
Check out the networking potential of Apple’s latest portable dream, the iBook. As is now the Apple custom, headache and inconvenience take a back seat to ease of use and tangle-free wireless Web sharing.
How To: Setting Up Wireless Network Encryption Between a Macintosh and a Non-Apple Transmitter
Preventing people from piggybacking on your wireless network is not all that complicated, but it is not as straightforward as it first appears. This How-To is a layperson’s (read: not an expert) experience in setting up and encrypting a third-party transmitter instead of an Apple Base Station.
How To: The Mops Programming Language—Part 2
Ed Williams continues his tour of the Forthish programming language Mops. He explains the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and how it applies to Mops, and shows an example of a Tic Tac Toe program.
Desktop Pictures: Travels
Reader Dalis VanderYacht contributes a series of desktop pictures from his travels in California and Massachusetts.
Review: A Tale of Two Bags—A PowerBook-Totin’ Carrying Case Shootout
Contributing Editor Christopher Turner takes two notebook-toting backpacks through the wringer to tell you which bag reigns supreme as your official PowerBook packer.
Review: Click ’N Design 3D
Do you dream of creating CD or DVD labels with gradient backgrounds, clip art, photographs, and 3D text? If so, then perhaps Click ’N Design 3D is the application for you. Or is it? Read Gregory Tetrault’s review to find out.
Review: Illustrator 10
Jamal Ghandour loves the latest release of Adobe Illustrator. He takes us on a tour of the new features, from symbols and slicing to CSS layers and data-driven graphics.
Review: Mailsmith 1.5
Michael Tsai reviews the first Mac OS X-native version of Bare Bones Software’s e-mail client. How has Mailsmith improved, and how does it stack up to the competition? Read on to find out.
Review: PowerMate
What do you get when you cross an illuminated knob with Kensington MouseWorks-style software? Paul Fatula reviews Griffin Technology’s gadget “with almost limitless potential,” the PowerMate.

Also in This Series
- Welcome (and Goodbye) · May 2012
- Welcome · April 2012
- Welcome · March 2012
- Welcome · February 2012
- Welcome · January 2012
- Welcome · December 2011
- Welcome · November 2011
- Welcome · October 2011
- Welcome · September 2011
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