Macworld? Yawn…
Macworld Expo New York 2001 has come and gone, and ATPM is proud to say that it doubled its coverage this year, with staffers Eric Blair and Christopher Turner attending. That said, this Expo proved to be a real yawner when compared to other Expos since the return of Steve Jobs. Apple, through Steve, has nearly conditioned the Mac faithful and the press to expect big things with every Steve Jobs keynote, and most were disappointed with this Expo’s offerings.
Sure, there were new iMacs introduced with faster G3 processors, bigger hard drives, and more RAM; but Apple failed to deliver on the much-rumored flat-panel LCD iMac. This is just fine with the ATPM staff, as we detest the rumor-mongers in general, and we are sure that Apple is simply waiting for the price of LCD panels to come down some more before moving the entire Macintosh line to flat-panel displays.
The other side of the desktop product grid saw simply an evolutionary, rather than revolutionary, step as well. New G4 towers, code-named QuickSilver, were introduced, in the same overall case design, but with some snazzy new updates to the plastics. The new G4s feature faster G4 processors, up to 867 MHz, with the new king of the hill sporting dual 800 MHz processors. You can read all about the new Macs, plus the rest of the Expo in Eric Blair’s in-depth report.
In this issue, you’ll find:
Report: Macworld Expo New York
Eric Blair reports on this year’s east-coast Macworld Expo, bringing back news, photos, and other tidbits.
Apple Cider: Random Squeezings from a Mac User
In “50 is Pretty Nifty,” Tom Iovino celebrates his 50th consecutive Apple Cider column. He takes us on a tour of his best-loved columns and keeps score of his correct—and incorrect—predictions.
My Apple Wedge
After getting back from his honeymoon in France, Dierk Seeburg talks about buying his digital camera and the software and hardware that he uses with it. He covers slide shows, printing, panoramic images, and QuickTime VR.
The Legacy Corner
This month, Ed Goss answers a reader question and brings us some new legacy Mac tips and trivia questions.
About This Particular Web Site
Paul Fatula reports on Web sites for sending ASCII e-mail, panhandling, a Palm e-zine, a toaster museum, and naming your Mac.
Segments: Slices from the Macintosh Life
In this month’s Segments, Darcy Baston gives one Mac user’s perspective of why Macs are so special.
Review: Podium CoolPad
Christopher Turner reviews this stand for keeping the bottom of your laptop cool.
Review: Music Press 9.0
David Ozab reviews Graphire’s music typesetting application for producing professional-quality scores on your own desktop.
Review: NetBarrier 2.0.3
Paul Fatula reviews the latest version of Intego’s firewall utility.
Review: Kyocera Smartphone (QCP 6035)
Evan Trent says that this cell-phone/Palm combo-gadget appeals to the geek in all of us.
Review: PowerBook G4 Titanium
Trevor Boehm reviews Apple’s latest professional laptop, saying that it’s a rare case of Apple’s engineers and industrial designers creating the perfect mix of aesthetics and usability.
Cartoon: Hambone
Mike Flanagan brings us the first installment of “Hambone,” which will become a regular ATPM feature.
Desktop Pictures: Carolina Lighthouses
Lee Bennett brings back vacation photos from the coastlines of North and South Carolina.

Also in This Series
- Welcome (and Goodbye) · May 2012
- Welcome · April 2012
- Welcome · March 2012
- Welcome · February 2012
- Welcome · January 2012
- Welcome · December 2011
- Welcome · November 2011
- Welcome · October 2011
- Welcome · September 2011
- Complete Archive
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