Review: Silver and Wood

Author: Christine Zobel
Shareware Fee: $10 U.S. or 15 Deutschmarks.
Requirements: 68K or PowerPC Mac
Remember I.Q. Tester? The wooden triangle board with 15 holes and pegs, where you started with 14 pegs in the holes and jumped over a peg to remove it from the board? The object of the game was to leave just one peg. If you did, you were a genius. Well, Christine Zobel has developed the computer version.
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In Silver and Wood, different shaped boards now replace that triangle board. Pegs are now balls that jump at the click of a mouse. Click on a ball to jump, then move over two spaces (either up, down, left or right, but not diagonally) from that ball and click in the empty field. The jumped ball disappears immediately. The object is to have one ball remaining on the board.
There are nine board shapes in Silver and Wood, including a cross, an X, and a butterfly. You can even design your own board using the Edit Board command. The other options are: sound on/off; timer on/off, to see how many seconds it takes you to play; language, to choose from German or English instructions; and board design, to select a silver or wooden board.
Silver and Wood is designed for one person to play and is based on an ancient board game. In Germany it’s known as Einsiedlerspiel.
For those of us who spend more time at the computer than away from it, Silver and Wood is a nice break from surfing the Internet, balancing your budget, or writing that essay. It’s a cleanly designed game that will keep you playing. In fact, it will keep you clicking New Game because it’s not easy to win. Be warned: frustration is inevitable, and patience is a must. The game lets you know when you’ve exhausted all possible moves. A little box appears with the following message: No (more) moves possible. Try and try again...
Leaving three or four balls on the board garners you Not Bad.
Leaving two balls compliments you with Very Good.
Unfortunately, the best I’ve been able to do is two balls (on the cross-shaped board), so I’ve no idea what little message appears when one ball remains. I imagine it’s Excellent or some such congratulatory remark. I can only hope. But if any ATPM reader does get one ball, please e-mail me at and tell me how you did it! Til then, stay sane.
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