Welcome to the March 2002 edition of About This Particular Macintosh! We’re getting ready to do some spring-cleaning at ATPM headquarters in New Gotham. Ever since we added all that extra square footage to our lease, it’s meant more places to put stuff. The problem is, although we have more space to put stuff, we’d rather make room to place new staff.
In honor of our new accommodations, we’d like to invite members of our readership to consider joining the ATPM staff. We’re planning to increase the content in our publication and continue to improve the quality of the text we put to pixel.
Our international assemblage of talented but crazy Mac zealots is interested in adding new people to the ATPM team. Please e-mail Michael Tsai, our publisher, if you’d like to be considered for an ATPM staff position.
With the publication of this issue we are announcing the departure of opinions editor Tom Iovino. During Tom’s long tenure with ATPM, not only has our readership grown, but so has his family. Tom has chosen to devote more of his time to the needs of his expanding family. We wish Tom and his family all the best.
Tom’s departure is not the only change we’d like to announce this month. We’ve made some internal changes at ATPM headquarters, too. For example, we’ve banished from our lexicon any references to Apple Computer as beleaguered, challenged or embattled. We’ve also done away with references to the Mac’s market share as dwindling, meager, pressured, miniscule, or dropping.
While these changes may not necessarily help us find additional staff or just the right place to stow all our stuff, they do clear our heads of old baggage that no longer fits the current state of the Mac. We’re now free to devote our time and attention to all good stuff and new stuff in the world of Macintosh computing.
Photoshop for X
Or is that Photoshop for 9 and X? Adobe Systems has announced Photoshop 7, which is compatible with Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X-native. The release of an OS X-compliant version of Adobe’s venerable pro-level image-editing (and darn near essential) application has long been on the wish lists of many Mac enthusiasts. What seemed to take so long? We figure Adobe waited to release an OS X-compliant version of Photoshop until the time of its next major upgrade of the product. The Windows version of Photoshop 7 is also fully compatible with Windows XP. We’re happy to report that Adobe Photoshop 7 for Mac and Windows will be shipping as early as the second calendar quarter of 2002.
Endangered iMac?
Recent press reports have suggested that Apple is way behind in manufacturing and shipping its newly redesigned desktop computer. Some have suggested sightings of the new iMac are so rare that it should be added to a special endangered computer list.
The demand for the new iMac has clearly outstripped supply. Apple may be challenged in ramping up production of the restyled computer in time to meet demand by the end of the company’s second fiscal quarter that ends in March. Nonetheless, the new iMacs are arriving at stores and homes as quickly as Apple can make them. In fact, Apple is air-shipping the computers from Taiwan to the States in order to save time and reduce delays.
Scientific Proof
Forget the megahertz myth. Buy the computer that scientists are purchasing by the boatloads: the Macintosh G4. There’s no better high-performance/low-power-consumption PC on the planet. Macs would make even greater inroads into the scientific community if it weren’t for one fact: there’s no way to stack the mini-towers! That’s right: for cluster computing, the stylish mini-tower is definitely overdressed. We hope Apple meets the needs of the scientific community by developing a scientific version of its high-end PC that can be stacked and racked.
We’ve heard from the greatest minds in science about the benefits of the Mac. Now we’d like for you to benefit from the great minds on our staff. Our March 2002 issue includes:
Apple Cider: And now, the end is near…
“Ditching the old LC 580 for that sleek, translucent covered baby was one of the happiest days of my life. But, boy was I wrong. I realized this when my two boys were born.” After nearly five years, Tom Iovino finishes his Apple Cider run with ATPM and issues a challenge to our readers.
Beyond the Barline: And the Award Goes to…
Well, you know who. Or maybe you don’t. As David Ozab informs us, Apple wasn’t the only worthy recipient of a Technical Grammy this year.
Hollywood: I’m Not Happy
At the Super Bowl, the Rams lost and Apple was a no-show. Mike Shields suggests what Apple could have done, and then he goes on to chronicle QuickTime Dead, err, Live and Apple’s Grammy.
Segments: I Hate When That Happens
Paul Fatula shares his experiences signing up for AT&T Cable Internet, which turned out to be not nearly so easy as one would like. After professional installers who couldn’t get it installed and unsupportive technical support, Paul got the service working himself, only to be beleaguered by AT&T not keeping up its end of the billing bargain.
About This Particular Web Site
This month’s ATPW shows you sites that let you change the look of OS X and see the changing looks of license plates around the world. You can also check out some Russian art or some Lego art. But only if you don’t have cyberphobia.
Networking: Setting Up AirPort
Matthew Glidden explains what Apple’s AirPort wireless networking is and how to set it up.
How To: The Mops Programming Language—Part 1
Ed Williams takes us on a tour of Mops, an “intrinsically Macintosh programming language” that blends Forth with the object-oriented paradigm. The language may seem backward at first, but it has a rare elegance and lets you create real Mac applications that run on everything from the Mac Plus to the latest G4 iMacs.
How To: Downloaded Files Challenge—Followup
Gregory Tetrault reports on the results of his extended challenge for readers to send links to downloadable files that can’t be opened without editing their file type or creator codes.
Desktop Pictures: Oregon and Washington
David Ozab and Julia Harris follow up last month’s set of Oregon Coast pictures with another collection, taken during their trip along the southern Washington and northern Oregon coasts over Thanksgiving weekend.
Reviews: Can Combine Icons 2.1
Eric Blair checks out Can Combine Icons 2.1, a tool for building your own icons on Mac OS X.
Reviews: Centipede
Centipede, a famous arcade game of a past generation, reappears as a Macintosh game with 3D graphics and new gameplay options. How does the modern version compare to the classic twitch-and-shoot game? Read the review by Gregory Tetrault and find out.
Reviews: Mac OS X: The Missing Manual (book)
Johann Campbell reviews the latest book from Mac author extraordinaire David Pogue.
Reviews: Nisus Writer 6.5
If you use Word and aren’t very happy with it, then think hard about Nisus. If you use AppleWorks or ClarisWorks, and you wish there were more, Nisus is certainly a more affordable alternative than Word. Nisus also has lots of other features the freebies don’t, and it seems very Mac-friendly.
Reviews: Survivor: The Interactive Game
Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. Survivor: The Interactive Game is pretty cool. Not perfect, but not bad. For her first foray into live-action gaming, Ellyn Ritterskamp was mostly impressed.
Reviews: Workflow Automaton with AppleScript Training CD
Can a CD training tool bring you up to speed with AppleScript? TECSoft repurposed a workshop into a self-paced CD tutorial. Read Gregory Tetrault’s review to see it the effort was successful.

Also in This Series
- Welcome (and Goodbye) · May 2012
- Welcome · April 2012
- Welcome · March 2012
- Welcome · February 2012
- Welcome · January 2012
- Welcome · December 2011
- Welcome · November 2011
- Welcome · October 2011
- Welcome · September 2011
- Complete Archive
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