Review: Intensor

Product Information
Produced by: BSG Laboratories, Inc.
More Info:
Price: $199 for main unit
+ $99 for optional chair base
+ $169 for optional SubWoofer unit (from
System Requirements
A multi-media device with a sound output jack
So you got yourself one of those great new blue and white G3s, spent a small fortune on a great 21" screen, added a Voodoo 2 graphics card, and can’t wait to grab the new Voodoo 3 once it is out. Basically you have the perfect multimedia machine, be it for games, DVDs, or anything else. Yet something still isn’t right: the sound. Sure, you could hook it up to the awesome stereo you have, but then you still wouldn’t be able to feel the sound. That’s what the Intensor is for. Imagine sitting on the speakers.
The Intensor is basically a chair with 5 speakers built into it. One full-range speaker goes between your legs, two smaller mid-range speakers on either side. There’s also a high-end driver (tweeter) close to your head and a big bass driver that makes you “feel” the sound. This setup literally surrounds you with sound, places you right in the action, and the bass driver makes the chair vibrate at low frequencies (like explosions or gun fire). It really adds the one element that was missing from today’s top-notch games: physical feedback. Hard-core gamers will definitely appreciate that. However it is not only limited to games. You can hook it up to your VCR, CD or DVD player, or any other device that has a sound output. Forget about surround sound, the Intensor is what you really need if you want to enjoy action movies to their limit.
The main unit itself can be folded up and is rather portable between rooms. It can be put onto an existing chair base, or you can get a new one for $99. The main unit also isn’t too expensive at $199, given that its sound quality rivals that of good computer speakers in the same price range. However it is highly recommended to get the subwoofer if you want to enjoy the full benefits of the sound enhancement. If you get the whole setup, it will add up to $467! On the other hand you get a complete chair, a subwoofer, and basically a surround sound system that you can use for your computer and/or your TV system.
The complete system with chair base and subwoofer
Although I really like the new dimension the Intensor adds to gaming, music, and movies, I have several complaints. The connector that links the Intensor to the small control unit is on the front of the chair, right between your legs. You will tend to loosen it with your calves as you stand up or sit down, producing horrible noises from the speakers.
The controls for volume and the intensity of the bass feedback are also between your legs, causing you to change volume unintentionally. The chair also tends to build up a lot of static electricity. My fiancée refuses to kiss me while I am sitting on the chair because she gets a very strong buzz every time. The worst part about the chair is its comfort. I had horrible back pain after the first two days of using it. Even with the additional padding that is available, it’s the most uncomfortable chair I’ve ever sat in. That’s fine if you don’t use it too much, but it replaced my comfortable office chair and I usually start to suffer after a few hours. Once you get the entire setup with subwoofer, the unit is basically not portable anymore, so you can forget about moving it between rooms.
This is what it looks like in reality with the pads
The unit came in several big boxes, and it took me quite a while to get everything together. Setup instructions are well-explained but require a lot of care and patience. To be fair, BSG Labs is working on a new version without arm rests (which makes the setup a lot easier), a modified connector on the side, as well as modified controls on the side which eliminates some of my problems listed above. Because the unit will be easier to build without the arm rests, BSG Labs will also probably make it cheaper than the old version. The additional padding will be included as a standard, another nice (and necessary) change in addition to a redesigned shape for more comfort.
I tested the chair with several games. The best effect was with the Dwarven Mortars in Myth 2. The effect is just amazing. However the chair doesn’t work well with games that have no low frequency sounds, rendering the vibration feedback useless. It still provides good sound though.
Overall the Intensor is very nice for hard core gamers with a strong back and the money to get it. I recommend getting a Voodoo 2 or 3 graphics card before you consider the Intensor, but once the new version is available it will be an interesting addition to your equipment.
Copyright © 1999 Daniel Chvatik, Reviewing in ATPM is open to anyone. Contact for more information.
Reader Comments (70)
Don't plan on buying one unless you took that "Soldering 101" class becasue you WILL break the solders when you use the chair.
It's a great chair until you bump the cable =(
The Intensor website now forwards to a new maker of gaming chairs: BattleChair. Maybe these guys sell parts necessary to fix the Intensor.
Thanks for the help!
Harry Alban
Please make sure Intensor is in subject so I don't delete the e-mail.
the console is under the seat each arm has flight,gun and maneuvering controls in it. leather seat that swivels and will come in 7 colors black, red, green, blue, silver, purple, camoflague. Xbox, PS2, PC, Mac.
foot controls, pedals, steering wheel and flight controls. The seat has warmers and vibrates your back
fun and great for those long games. internet access also.
I am also working on a chair called AlienS Chair, 10 speakers, 8 colors, nintendo, sega genesis (and super nintendo for the canadien market). The seat has a cooler on it and vibrates your front. Also it has long distance telephone service without a contract! And WOW look! with 1 post every year nobody will ever read about your chair or my far superior chair. Too bad.
I'm in Southern California.
forshannytoo - E-bay i.d. for more info
My amp doesn't work once it is plugged to the seat. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please send to Thanks.
If you still don't have sound check the volume slider on the right side of the chair. There is also a slider for vibration intensity. On my chair the sliders move forward to increase and back to decrease level. I personally use digital surround speakers for sound and the chair for feedback. Just hook the chair to a front analog output and set the chair volume to barely audible. Then set the vibration and rock!
Also note if you choose to use headphones, at least on my chair, the connector is rather fragile plastic. Do not force the plug in and do not wiggle it or hit it with anything. Once that connector is broken you will have no way to replace it. If you are lucky the contacts for the internal speakers will still be attached and provide sound and vibration.
Willing to pay top dollar.
clean in good working condition. call Jeff
(707) 433-3789 email
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