Random Squeezings from a Mac User
Dear Tom: I enjoyed your Apple Cider article in ATPM 4.01. I know I must have read your articles in print magazines before, but this was my first taste of your work in an "e-magazine." Like you, I have enjoyed my various Apple/Macs since 1983 when, as a college educator fresh out of college, I worked on my first Apple. In 1985 I got a Mac. Later, there was private business and my journey through the forest of MS DOS and the "pirated" Mac-like Windows began. These giants have overshadowed many paths in the electronic world: from the ease of using a mouse to desktop design and personal publishing. I find that I still use my Mac to uncover the darkness cast by these giants.
I am not a computer professional but I "portray" one in my family circle. I maintain current knowledge of what is out there in both hardware and software just so I can help my friends and family discover and appreciate the "electronic experience" in both the Mac and Windows worlds. My children have learned about different operating systems. They always return to the Mac for its functionality and possibly its "Karma." I realize the Mac torch has been passed when I hear about their battles with their peers over lunch about how the MacOS system is superior. They tell me about these things with the same excitement and conviction as when they fight about who's going win the SuperBowl.
Last, but by no means least, I too am expecting a child in early April. Our due date is April 4, but I would bet my paycheck it will be early. I do not know if the baby is a girl or a boy. I believe that it is one of life's true joys to be there for the delivery and begin with the child as a partner in their life's journey. To know the sex of the child before birth if it is not medically significant would be like starting out ahead of them. It's possible they would never catch up or we would never slow down and we would always remain apart.
Good luck with your writing, your Mac, and most of all with your baby's birth and your growing family.
Tim Sise
Gulf Breeze, FL (Pensacola Area)

Bikes and Macs
Hello Ms. Wagner, my name is Sandy (Sanford) Faz, a proud Mac user and owner of 3 Macs and an equally proud owner of a Honda GL1500, better known as a GoldWing. It was with interest that I read your article in ATPM. [MacAdemia Nuts & Bolts from ATPM 4.01 --Ed] It seems that you have caught a rare but thanfully non lethal form of the "Bike Bug" and I was pleased to see your enthusiasm and love for the two wheel world. I just wanted to let you know that along with my love of OUR platform, that you have caught my interest and I'm sure those of the other readers to your fine e-zine. Being a biker means "Thinking Different" hmmm... ? what a concept? I'll close with just a few words that we in the Organization I belong to say to one another as we pass down the road, Ride Safe, Ride Often.
Sandy Faz, Asst. Chapter Director, CA1-A Gold Wing Road Riderssfaz@QNET.COM
It is always nice to get feedback on my column, but especially nice to have received such kind comments from a fellow motorcyclist. I followed behind a 1994 1500SE for thousands of miles. They are great bikes, but a bit too tall and "hefty" for me. Nicole first learned to be a co-rider on that bike. Now she rides long distances behind me. She started riding at age 4 and is very comfortable on a bike. I hope to get us both dirt bikes within the next year or so depending on my finances.
Ride safe and keep the rubber down. --BW

Font Size Too Small
As Jorge Fiedler mentioned in ATPM 3.10, I too have problems reading fonts in 8 or 9 or even 10 points. And reading just names in the Mac OS is something else than reading long articles.
My solution is to drop ATPM upon DOCMaker (v4.8.2), 'select all text' in 'Edit' menu and chose 'Other Size' in the 'Format:Size' menu. I prefer 20 points as font size. Then deselect the text with one click in the text window. I hope one day it will be a standard option in the documents created with DOCMaker.
Geert Podevyn
Antwerp, Belgium
For those who find the fonts in ATPM too small for comfortable reading, we recommend viewing our online version at <http://www.atpm.com>. From your Web browser preferences, you can easily scale all the fonts up (or down) with a single click. --MT

We'd love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise at <editor@atpm.com>. Or, if you have an opinion or announcment about the Macintosh platform in general, that's ok too.
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