I read with interest your piece in ATPM about upgrading the logic board onyour Mac. I have a Performa
6200 and would love to upgrade to a 6320.Trouble is, I live in Britain and would dearly love not to
have to make aphonecall to the States as it will cost me a fortune. Do you have a fax or e-mail address for
KIWI?It is quite amazing how few upgrades are available over here for Macs like ours. I had previously
only heard of one graphics card upgrade which costsaround £375 sterling—which simply is too
expensive to be viable.Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Robert Irwin
Oxford, England
Thanks for writing. My upgrade is working fine. I have since found more information about KIWI
Computer for you and the others who have been nice enough to write. Their e-mail address is:
<kiwicomp@aol.com> and their fax number is (310) 286-9667. Address all correspondence to Chris
and I'm sure you'll be happy with their service. Keep me up-dated on your progress. —EG

Hello from Spain!
This is for thank all of your staff for your fabulous About This Particular Macintosh ezine. I enjoy very much all its contents, both texts and graphics. ATPM is frequently included in the cover CDs of our Spanish Mac magazines (Macworld, MacFormat, Spanish Ed.).
Here in Spain, with the help of some friends, living in different cities, I also make a DOCMaker mag. It's called "Tarta de Manzana" (Apple Pie, in English). It's a bulletin for Macintosh users. I started one year ago, and, by now, the ezine is distributted via...diskettes (yes, you can believe it!). The starting idea was based on all those Macintosh people (like myself) who still don't have Internet Access, but, obviously, have a floppy drive. It's a "container" ezine, where people send their contributions: Icons, applications, scripts, graphics...absolutely all kind of stuff they've created or want to share with.They send me their stuff, which goes to the magazine, and when it's finished, I give them back the complete number, also via floppies.
The point is that your ATPM really helps me frequently about how a good ezine can be made. In the next future, maybe my modest "Apple Pie" will be on the Web (I've got only an e-mail account in a CiberCafe here in Vigo, the city where I live), but of course it'll be very different from the original DOCMaker version...
Nothing more, by now. Just keep the good job...for the rest of us:-)

Longevity Doesn't Sell
One reason why Macs don't do well, in my experience, is because they last too long. Windows machines
are replaced constantly. Therefore, people with old Macs, when they want a faster machine, always look
to get a Winbox because they think Windows machines are faster. This is a major perceptual problem,
especially now that 180 MHz Mac OS speedboxes are available for under $1,000.
Dr. David Zatz

We'd love to hear your thoughts about our publication. We always welcome your comments, criticisms, suggestions, and praise at <editor@atpm.com>. Or, if you have an opinion or announcment about the Macintosh platform in general, that's ok too.
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